The increase in urban population and the
resultant increase in the urban area is called
Urbanisation. The increase of population in the urban
area takes place by the natural growth of population
and also by migrations of rural population to urban
areas..Urbanisation brings spatial, temporal and
structural changes in the demographic, social,
economical, technological and environmental aspects of
life in a given society. The accumulation of wealth and
availability of job opportunities in the urban centers
have resulted into the concentration of human
population in limited space. About 29 % of the total
world population was recorded as urban population in
1951 and it increased to 54 % in 2011 period. Though
urbanisation is an indicator of development, but it is also
bitter fact that poverty is growing faster in urban areas
in the form of slums. Hence, rapid Urbanisation and
Industrialisation without needed urban infrastructure
development has resulted in slums and they are
residential areas of poor urban people.Keeping the above
aspects under consideration an attempt is made in this
paper to study pattern of urbanisation and formation
distribution of slums in Visakhapatnam city.
Keywords : Urban population, Decadal growth rate, population density, Population concentration, Population growth, Slums.