As the river sand is widely used in development industry, the interest for fine total is expanding quickly. Stream sand has been the most broadly utilized as fine total the world over and to take care of the demand has prompted different hurtful results, for example, increment in the profundity of the waterway bed, bringing down of the water table, and saltiness interruption into the waterways. As the results, there was an immediate requirement for alternatives to river sand such as manufacturing sand which is prominently used as alternative material. An experimental study is made on the strength aspects of cement concrete by partially replacing sea sand with river sand as fine aggregate. This work gives a comparison on the relevant material properties of Sea sand (SS) and River sand (RS).
Sea sand was partially replaced in river sand (0% to 100%) for each proportion of Fine Aggregates(FA) cement concrete blocks were cast and tested for compressive strength at 7, 14 and 28 days of curing. The concrete blocks were tested. The compressive strength results for replacement (RS+SS) were tabulated and graphs were plot for compressive strength v/s curing period.
Keywords : River Sand, Sea Sand, Partial Replacement, Cement Concrete, Compression Strength Test.