Utilization of Regional Owned Property is
the utilization is not used for carrying out the duties and
functions of regional work units and/or optimizing
Regional Property by not changing its ownership status.
Utilization of BMD provides opportunities for regions to
increase local own revenue and improve public facilities.
The formulation of the problem in this study is the
concept of utilizing assets in increasing local revenue,
methods for utilizing assets, determining contributions,
and case studies for selecting methods for utilizing
assets in the development of coastal tourism areas. This
study uses a theoretical approach in explaining the
concepts and methods of using BMD as well as using
research data in discussing case studies on the selection
of BMD utilization methods. This paper aims to provide
an overview in the use of regional property and its
benefits in increasing PAD. The results of the discussion
show that there are 5 methods of utilizing assets, leasing
and using, collaborative use, building up for handover,
building up for use, and infrastructure cooperation
which have their own goals, advantages and
characteristics. In the context of increasing regional
own-source revenue, each method of utilizing assets
(except borrow-and-use) has its own contribution to
increase regional income or increasing regional assets.
The choice of asset utilization method should be based
on the regional vision and mission and the method that
has the greatest impact on the regional economic
Keywords : Utilization, Regional Property, Lease, Loan Use, Collaborative Utilization, Build-Up Transfer, Build- Up Transfer, Infrastructure Cooperation