Utilization of “Science Magic Dice” (Self-Developed Sim) In Improving Science Vocabulary Skills and Academic Performance of Grade VI Pupils

Authors : VERNA D. AMBAT

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 1 - January

Google Scholar : http://bitly.ws/9nMw

Scribd : https://bit.ly/394zKzs

This study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of utilizing “Science Magic Dice” (SelfDeveloped Strategic Intervention Material) in improving Science vocabulary skills and academic performance of Grade VI pupils in Kalubkob Elementary School in the school year 2019-2020. The researcher utilized the quasi-experimental design. Two sections of Grade VI were selected as respondents with the total of 78 or 100 percent of pupil. The pupils were subjected to pretest and posttestfocus on the first quarter learning competencies. This research project was conducted over a five-month period, from June to October 2019. The grade VI teacher was the one who incorporated the strategy to each lesson which was consisted of an introduction, vocabulary building, experiment, and a conclusion to the lesson that would last for 50 minutes. The researcher monitored the implementation of the project. The data gathered were analysed statistically to answer the questions proposed in the research work. Frequency count, percentages, mean, standard deviation and paired sample t-test were used to statistically analyse the data using the SPSS Tool. The following findingscame up from the study: There was a significant difference on the level of vocabulary skills and academic performance of the pupils in the pretest and posttest results. After the implementation of the intervention material, higher mean was observed from the pupils. The strategic intervention material was effective in improving the vocabulary skills based on the mean gain scores in the posttests. Based on the outcomes and implications of the study, the following are recommended, Science teachers can use the strategic intervention materials developed by the researcher to improve the vocabulary skills of the pupils and their academic performance in science. Seminars and in-service training should be conducted regarding development and implementation of the strategic intervention materials in the classroom; Science teachers should develop more strategic intervention materials for the remaining lessons which were not included in researcher’s SIMS; Strategic intervention materials for other subjects should be made to address the vocabulary skills development of the pupils; A similar study may be conducted covering a bigger number of respondents in another venue.


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