Utilization of the Storie Method to Analyze the Spatial Distribution of Ground Movement Vulnerability in the Limboto Watershed Area, Gorontalo Province

Authors : S Eraku, R J Lahay, N Akase

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 9 - September

Google Scholar : https://goo.gl/DF9R4u

Scribd : https://bit.ly/2kMuYQH

Critical land due to land damage in watersheds area is mainly caused by the loss of topsoil, this is driven by the large carrying capacity of surface runoff flush from rainfall. The Limboto watershed area is one of the 15 national priority areas because it has a high level of sedimentation and is vulnerable to natural disasters. In addition, the area is also classified as critical land. Information regarding the spatial distribution and areas vulnerable to land movement is crucial to preserve the watershed area surrounding the lake and to mitigate the risks of natural disasters. With that being said, the purpose of this study is to use the storie method to analyze the level of vulnerability of ground movement in the Limboto watershed and its spatial distribution. Limboto Watershed has 4 level of ground movement vulnerability from low to very high. The dominant level of ground movement vulnerability is moderate with an area of 45.27% of the entire watershed. Spatial distribution from very high level of vulnerability is distributed in 3 subdistrict, there are Limboto Barat, Limboto and Tibawa Subdistrict.


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