Information and Communication Technology within education in Vocational High School serves as paramount necessity. The utilization within vocational education process is not only as a form of keeping up with the development of technology, yet it deals with the implementation for learning teaching process. In fact, unfortunately, a number of obstacles occurred in the utilization of ICT to manage learning teaching in school. ICT is indeed will bring a positive benefit the moment the teachers are capable of utilizing it as academic information to improve the learning quality. This present study aims at examining the utilization of ICT-based academic information system in Vocational High School Cullinary Art Program in North Sulawesi. This research employed Research and Development approach or as known as R&D suggested by Plomp (1997). After pre-development and development phase were conducted, it was followed by making a generalization that the ICT-based academic information system is effective and valid for being utilized by teachers in Vocational High School Cullinary Art Program in North Sulawesi.
Keywords : Information Technology, Academic Information Utilization.