Vaginal candidiasis is a fungal infection of the
vagina. The high number of women suffer daily from
vaginitis with different ages. This study was occupied to
determine the incidence of Candida species isolated from
vaginal candidiasis infection with the effectiveness of
treatment and determined several factors related to
vaginal candidiasis. Totally 250 specimen was collected
from the vagina with Several predisposing factors, such
as diabetes mellitus, using contraceptive, pregnancy,,
broad-spectrum antibiotics, malnutrition, and kidney
transplantation from different hospitals in Sana'a city,
Yemen. All specimens were examined by microscope,
culture and biochemical test to identify and differentiate
between the Candida species. The minimum inhibitory
concentration test was performed for positive cases. Of
250 samples inoculated and investigated, there were 63
/250 (25.2%) Candida species [43 (68.3%) Candida
albicans, 13 ( 20.6%) Candida tropicalis, 4 ( 6.3%)
Candida glabrata and 3 (4.8%) Candida kefyr].
Keywords : Vaginal Candidiasis , risk factors, Antifungal, Sana'a city , Yemen.