Varietal Performance of Ipomoea Batatas L. To Fertilization Strategies as Intercropped in Mulberry Trees

Authors : Marjohn V. Anislag

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 10 - October

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The study used a randomized complete block design (RCBD) were varieties of sweet potato are plot and fertilized with different strategies during and within the experiments the following materials used were sharp bolo, pruning shear and pruning saw, rice sacks, water pump, garden hose, sweet potato varieties, chicken compost, urea and complete fertilizers, carabao drawn plow, meter stick and tape measure, paints, bamboo sticks, hand trowel, weighing scale, vernier caliper, knife, spading pork, wheel borrow, and strainer, shredder, net bags, preserving cloth, pail, basin, plastic tray, and office supplies. Variety of sweet potato were intercrop under the Mulberry trees, climatological data on temperature range, relative humidity and warm environment is prevalent during the growing seasons, favorable for the growth of sweet potato. Soil pH increased, organic matter increased, while available P and K decreased after the growing period of sweet potato varieties applied with different fertilization strategies.

Keywords : Sweet Potato, Fertilizers Strategies, Mulberry Trees, Intercrop, Randomized Complete Block Design.


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