Vegetable Crops in Bareilly District of Up: Determinants of Yield Levels


Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 12 - December

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The literature reveals that in case of vegetable crops, our country yield levels are lower than USA and China. India stands third place after China and USA in vegetable production, among the Indian states, UP stands first place in it. Yield is the most important outcome of vegetable crops. Whereas in Bareilly, vegetable crops yield levels are performing at low level only. There is a need for enhancement of yield levels for maximum number of vegetable crops which are growing in Bareilly. In this paper, we want to examine and analyse the different vegetable crops yield levels in Bareilly. And to see the factors responsible for lower yields of the vegetable crops. And also finally we want to measure the significance levels of the various factors effecting the vegetable crops yield levels through multiple regression analysis. To achieve the above objectives of this paper, we have collected primary data in Bareilly district during 2017-18. As a result, Potato crop yield is significantly influenced by the factors like expenditure on irrigation, expenditure on fertilisers; Lobhiya crop yield is not significantly influenced by any of the factors. It clearly shows that there is a scope for enhancement of yield levels for vegetable crops growing in this district.


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