Agro-tourism is a form of rural tourism that
has actively developed in recent years. Tra Que
Vegetable Village has developed this type of tourism to
meet the needs of visitors to visit and experience.
However, Vietnamese tourists to experience agrotourism here are very few. The purpose of this study is
to find out and determine the level of attraction to
Vietnamese tourists in agro-tourism in Tra Que
vegetable village. Participants responded questionnaire
of the survey in term of participation levels in
agricultural activities, and assessment of service quality
and tourist's satisfaction reflecting after participating in
the agro-tourism experience. The results indicate that
most of the tourists participate partly in agricultural
activities, the quality of service is good, and the level of
visitor satisfaction is high. In general, the ability to
attract Vietnamese tourists to agricultural tourism is
high. Increasing visitor participation in agri-tourism
activities will further enhance the ability to attract
Vietnamese tourists in Tra Que Vegetable Village.
Keywords : Agro-tourism, tourist's attraction, agricultural activities, Tra Que Vegetable Village