Authors : Dr.Mahesh kaluti; Tejas kumar N; Vikas chandra guru; Rajath S; SHIVRAJ S
Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 6 - June
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DOI : 10.38124/IJISRT20JUN367
Virtual blood bank is the online based
management system. allows online ordering ,request
delivery of blood for transfusion. sperm bank, semen
bank is a facility to enhance the interface of purchasing
and selling DOG semen. This project presents a bridge
the gap between the blood donors and the request dog
for blood. The requirement of the blood has to be
requested and we supply the information of the donor
through a simple online based management system.
Keywords : Blood Drive, Blood Mobile, Blood Donor Centre, Sperm Depository, Rudhir-Adhikosha.