Waste Management and Logistics of Craft Beer Production

Authors : Attila Albert

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 9 - September

Google Scholar : http://bitly.ws/gu88

Scribd : https://bit.ly/2YaevJD

During small-scale brewing, the energy demand and the amount of waste generated are very high. In order to reduce these quantities, the methods and materials used in production and their logistics need to be reviewed. Therefore, in my research, I look for the critical points where most waste is generated and try to find alternative methods that help reduce energy demand, waste generated, and transportation costs. I will examine what the Life Cycle Assessment and the Carbon Footprint are and look for a solution to reduce these metrics. I map out the possible recycling opportunities that can be used in brewing processes, especially the recycling possibilities of wastewater, sludge and yeast. I am also looking at alternative waste reduction options for packaging waste, as well as ways to reduce the logistical problems and costs associated with waste management. With this information, small-scale brewing will have the opportunity to create a more sustainable, environmentally friendly production process.

Keywords : Craft Beer, Waste Management, Logistics, Sustainability, Recycling


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