Authors : Fatemeh Nouban, Serah Onuh John; Nura Yunusa; Alkasim Aminu; Zachariah Madaki
Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 6 - June
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DOI : 10.38124/IJISRT20JUN616
Nigeria is endowed with natural water
resources abundantly, the country has substantial
annual rainfall, large water bodies such as rivers,
streams, lakes etc. and abundant groundwater
reservoirs which are least developed and utilized which
resulted in economic, social, environmental and health
costs, such as a high rate of premature mortality and
morbidity resulting from contamination of
consumption, pollution of environmental and
environmental resources, pollution and overexploitation
of ground and surface water resources and low income
and productivity. Therefore, enabling citizens with
access to potable water is paramount. Although
conjugate or integral water management or monitoring
inhabited with limited studies even in Nigeria where
over 57% of the population rely on groundwater source
the management approaches is practically scanty while
integral water use studied extensively, the study
recognized the integrated water resources managements
(IWRM), internationally recognized principles to
support the effort of ensuring robust policy framework
and appropriate investments in Nigeria’s fresh water
resources to enable the citizens with unlimited access to
portable water.
Keywords : Water Resources, Water Contamination, Water Shortage, Environmental Sustainability, Nigeria.