When Periodontitis is met with a Cardiovascular Risk: A Cross-Sectional Study

Authors : Dr. Aradhana Sharma; Dr. Vandana; Dr. Supreet Kaur; Dr. Karndeep Kaur; Dr. Gurprabjit Kaur

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 6 - June

Google Scholar : http://bitly.ws/9nMw

Scribd : https://bit.ly/3xblcra

An increasing attention has been drawn for a periodontal disease and its correlation with cardiovascular disease (CVD), which can be referred as a chronic multifactorial condition associated with systemic inflammatory markers and endothelial dysfunction. Therefore, a thoroughly designed prospective and interventional trials are needed inorder to determine whether there is an independent relationship between periodontitis and various CVD risk factors. Aim and Objectives: To evaluate the relationship of hypertension and high systolic and diastolic blood pressure with periodontitis in hypertensive patients. Materials and Method: A standardized questionnaire based cross-sectional study involving 105 subjects (age between 40-80 years) with systemic arterial hypertension using interviews and oral examinations to collect data on sociodemographic characteristics (age, sex, household income), smoking, periodontal status (bleeding on probing, and attachment loss), drinking, smoking, physical activity, obesity, hypercholesterolaemia and diabetes mellitus. Clinical parameters like pocket depth were measured for assessing periodontal status. Results and Conclusion: A significant positive causal association was seen between hypertension and periodontitis. Hence, it was concluded that hypertension was associated with chronic periodontitis and higher risk for having both SBP and DBP independent of known confounders in hypertensive patients

Keywords : Hypertension, Periodontitis, Hypercholesterolaemia


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