Where is GIS Technology Applied in the Public Health Discipline: A Literature Review

Authors : Beatrice Winnie Nyemera, Peng Jia

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 12 - December

Google Scholar : https://goo.gl/DF9R4u

Scribd : https://bit.ly/2tzvd67

The purpose of this study was to identify the use of GIS (Geographical Information System) technology in supporting information required for public health evidence-based planning and decisionmaking. The review discusses examples of different areas GIS technology have been applied in public health. A search of scientific databases and online resources was undertaken to describe the uses of GIS technology in public health research. Our study contributes to research examining the uses of GIS in public health in two ways: It gives an understanding of how GIS can be adapted and applied to public health decision-making in developing countries, and it identifies both barriers limiting GIS use in Africa and measures that can be used to successfully apply GIS in its public health sector. Additionally, our literature review adds knowledge on how GIS technology are understood by decision-makers, health professionals in evidence-based planning and decision-making processes. Conclusively, there are many African studies in the literature that have benefited from using (in which the use of) GIS technology in guiding to (helped) solve health problems.

Keywords : Geographical Information Systems; Public Health Sector; Uses; Africa


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