Calciferols are group of lipid soluble
compounds with a 4-ringed cholestoral backbone and
refer to both, Vitamin D3 i.e. Cholecalciferol and
Vitamin D2 i.e. ergocalciferol. In general as Vitamin D3
is the active component of Vitamin D whether reference
of Vitamin D comes, we used Vitamin D3 as a
terminology, Vitamin D mainly near about 90 % is
synthesized in the sun under sun exposure, Vitamin D is
useful in maintaining the normal levels of calcium and
phosphate that are required for normal mineralization
of bone, muscle contraction nerve, conduction and
general. Cellular function in all cells of the body.
In India, in various studies, it is observed that in
healthy asymptomatic people show low values of Vitamin
D inspite of exposure to sufficient sun rays, proper diet
Age, sex, geographical situation, these factors not
affecting the value of Vitamin D.
Keywords : Vitamin D, Cholecalciferol, Sources of Vitamin D, Rickets, Osteomalacia, Cut off values, Epidemic of Vitamin D, Deficienty, prevention at Nation level.