Wire Weaving for the Production of Light Fittings

Authors : Ofori, S. K. D.; Adala, C. E.; Agyeman, K. K.

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 3 - March

Google Scholar : https://goo.gl/DF9R4u

Scribd : https://bit.ly/2WJjwFR

The main objective of this paper was to explore in a studio setting, the application of wire weaving technique for the production of light fittings. This study was deemed necessary because it was observed by the researchers that much attention has not been given to the technique by fellow craftsmen over the years due to the claim by some that, they are difficult, time demanding and can also be frustrating. The research employed studio based research methodology to execute the project. Under this study primary data from studio experiments as well as secondary data from literature and existing practices were collected and analyzed for the project. In this regard, the study explored various weaving types at the studio in order to select appropriate weaves that were suitable for the wire weaving projects. After the exploration of the weaves, the plain weave, diamond twill weave and twinning technique of basketry were selected and used to design and produce three the light fittings. These are a pendant lamp, a scone and Table lamp. The result of the study revealed that wire weaving technique can be used in the production of light fittings and metal artefacts with less difficulty within a considerable length of time. It was also realized that the wire weaving techniques can be made easy with good workshop procedures. This notwithstanding, it is a worthwhile endeavors because the outcomes can be rewarding.

Keywords : Wire weaving, light Fittings, Basketry, Wire Twisting, Jewellery Techniques, and Metalsmithing Techniques.


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