- The project aims to build an application in the
area of internet of things, wireless technology and
automotive electronics. It also aims to locking and
unlocking of two wheelers using wireless technology and
then sharing the vehicle using smart phone. The basic
idea is to provide access to only authorized people for
sharing a two wheeler vehicle securely. Authorization for
the same can be done via sharing necessary credentials. A
customized Android based application is devised. It
should be installed on the smart phone. This is linked up
to embedded controller based digital lock and unlock via
Bluetooth interface.
The vehicle needs to have a Bluetooth based body
control module (BCM). Whenever a person wants to
operate vehicle using smart phone he must be within that
Bluetooth range of BCM. The range of Bluetooth is
nothing but the received signal strength by the device in
that area. After matching with the credentials and
received signal strength indicator (RSSI) value, the
vehicle is unlocked. The concerned vehicle status with
time and date is recorded in the application platform and
is updated on the cloud using GSM technology. To check
for the proposed system and its results, prototype is
implemented. Successful operation is confirmed after its
experiments with different approaches.
Keywords : IoT, Embedded System, Wireless Communication, Processor and Controller, Android, Bluetooth Technology, Automotive Electronics.