Authors : Yaxkin Méndez Figueroa, Ivett Reyes Guillén, Ángel Arnulfo Zepeda Quintero, Delina Margarita Nañez Córdova, Werclain Alejandro Gómez, Raúl Vázquez Gutiérrez
Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 8 - August
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This document is the result of research into
the participation of women in the civil service in
Mexico. The condition of the female figure in the work
and political positions, as well as opportunities to
demonstrate leadership capacity, a condition that
makes women fit for the performance of law
enforcement functions in popular election positions, has
been analyzed. Women's participation in these positions
is considered a good opportunity to demonstrate skills,
values, strength, and not just celebrate compliance with
quotas. These gender quotas, while leading us to
advance the representation of women in political
positions, can also be a constant simulation.
Keywords : Gender, Civil Service, Chiapas, Mexico.