The challenging problem faced by the women in the modern world is their security. They do not have complete independence and security in their everyday life. They are made to lead their life in constant fear. Many steps have been taken in the field of women security, but these could not help us from reducing the number of assault against women. There are many laws and regulations against this issue. But something has to be done at grass roots level. This project aims to solve this issue with the help of technology. The main objective is to provide an alert and safety system for women. This system contains an integrated SOS button. When the user activates this button, an SMS is sent to the preset mobile number with accurate location data. This data can be used to track down the victim when she reaches out for help. Further, the system contains an LED mechanism that can be flashed by the victim in case of an assault. This LED, when flashed from a sufficient distance can blind the attacker for approx. 5 seconds. This provides an escape window for the victim. This system ensures safety and flexibility for women.
Keywords : Security; Assault; SOS Button; LED Mechanism.