Work Accident Risk Analysis in the Laboratory of PT. X with FMEA Method

Authors : Erry Rimawan, Indriyani Sri D.C, Wahyudin, Sadam

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 8 - August

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PT. X is a testing laboratory that has been accredited by KAN (National Accreditation Committee), which is engaged in environmental testing services. This dangerous work environment will certainly result in a large amount of work accident risk. This problem needs to be overcome to reduce workplace accidents that might occur. This research focuses on the FMEA (Failure Mode Effects Analysis) method to identify work accidents that occur and then determine the level of risk. Finally, work accidents that have occurred are determined by the risk level calculated by the value of the RPN (Risk Priority Number). This study found ten work accidents that have the potential to occur in building projects that are used as research objects. The ten work accidents are calculated each RPN value to determine the level of risk. Based on the value of the RPN, the study found that the analysis preparation work on the lab table had the highest RPN value so it can be concluded that this work needs attention to improve its safety against work accidents.

Keywords : Work Accident, FMEA (Failure Mode And Effects Analysis), Severity, Occurance, Detection, (RPN) Risk Priority Number.


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