World Mental Health Day –October 10, 2018 Come let us Work for the Promotion of Youth Mental Health

Authors : Dr. Rajesh G Konnur, Ms. Soumya Kuriakose.

Volume/Issue : Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 10 - October

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To think in-depth, about the need of mental health promotion strategies along with physical health interventions, among global population, one more World Mental Health Day has come. This day aims mental health education globally, advocating and making people aware against existing social stigma related to mental diseases and mobilizing global efforts in support of mental health. Every year, 10th of October; the World Mental Health Day, World Health Organization (WHO) celebrates with different themes. And this year, mental health of young people be at the central point of discussion with the theme “Young people and mental health in a changing world”. Exploratory studies and mental health- focused activities began from the end of 19th century onwards prove that medical world has recognized the significance of general awareness about preventing mental diseases and mental health promotion. Following this, governing bodies and health agencies worldwide have started to take actions in regard to this view. All over, physical and mental health has to get equal importance, since there is no health without mental health. A healthy body with a healthy mind equally contributes to build a healthy human. Our minds can affect how healthy our bodies are. Today’s healthy young people are the true builders of tomorrow’s incredible nation. They are the greatest wealth and strength of any nation. A mentally and physically strengthened younger generation/ youth, only can take critical decisions and can bring significant changes in the social fabric. During such a fruitful time of life, youth must be given special attention and protected from all kinds of mental disturbances.


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