Zakah is an obligation that is directly
mandated by Allah in the holy Quran. Zakah is
assumed as a solution to overcome the poverty in
Indonesia if it is well organized and well utilized.
The focus of this study is how to empower zakah
productively by distributing zakah fund in the form of
working capital to mustahik. This study uses
descriptive method that is decribing the condition or
facts finding with proper interpretation.
The result of the study shows that they are many
zakah management agencies practice productive zakah
model by distributing the working capital to mustahik
so that they are able to change their social status to be
muzakki. It can be concluded from this study that
productive zakah by giving working capital for the
micro, small and medium enterprises is an alternative
way and effective effort which get them out of the
poverty chain to be independent in economic matters.
Keywords : Zakah , Working Capital, The Micro, Small And Medium Enterprises