The precarious challenge of the economic
development in Nigeria is not far from its epileptic power
supply. This challenge makes the use of electric power
generators for both commercial and domestic purposes
inevitable. The most common fuel used for powering
these electric generators is gasoline. In the light of the
abundant availability of natural gas in Nigeria this work
set out to examine the exhaust emission of gasoline and
LPG using a Kane Auto 4-1 & 5-1 Series Exhaust Gas
Analyser which measures CO, HC, O2, CO2, emissions.
The test engine was a single cylinder spark ignition
Senwei portable generator fitted with a dual carburetor,
hence can run on both fuel. The emission was recorded
for varying load from 0 - 1200 watts for both fuels. The
result shows that LPG emission for CO and HC was
higher than for gasoline. The HC emission for LPG at
idle running and low loads was very high and Gasoline
CO2 emission was higher than LPG.
Keywords : Emission Characterization, LPG, Gasoline, Energy