Authors : Obed Persie Appiah-Kubi; Kafui Kwesi Agyeman; Frederick Ampah Clement; Harold Awuley Quaye
Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 6 - June
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DOI : 10.38124/IJISRT20JUN891
Academic institutions in Ghana like the
KNUST and University of Ghana, to mention but a few,
have accepted vehicle branding especially on their
institutional vehicles. This has helped these institutions
to market themselves over the years. Although these
academic institutions and other agencies do vehicle
branding, preliminary findings suggested that, the
knowledge on the methods of branding and the basic
materials used for each branding method is not widely
known to many. This is the primary motivation for the
conduct of this study. This study aimed at identifying
the methods and materials used for branding the
automobiles. To achieve this aim, the methods of vehicle
branding were identified and the basic materials used
for each vehicle branding method. The qualitative
research methods, characterized by the descriptive
research design were employed in the study. In this 300
respondents from KNUST and University of Ghana
were selected for the study, 150 from each university.
They were sampled and interviewed using the snowball,
simple random and purposive sampling techniques. The
study revealed three main methods used in branding
vehicles in the communities: vinyl graphics, metal
impression and magnetic branding. Their
corresponding materials used are polyvinyl chloride,
metal and magnetic materials respectively. From both
universities, the study also revealed that the most
commonly used method of branding in descending
order were vinyl graphics, metal impression and
magnetic branding. The study make five
recommendations regarding further research areas;
approaches that may be more durable for some of the
methods; and improvement on vehicle branding with
trendy technologies.
Keywords : Branding, Automobile, Vinyl Graphics, Magnetic Brands, Metal Impressions