Magnetic levitation system is a system that
can work on the principle of magnetic attraction and
repulsion to levitate an object. It presents a
mathematical modelling using a Taylor series
approximation method. However, the magnetic ball
levitation system is mostly a non-linear and open loop
unstable. So, it made the controller strategy more
difficult. This thesis work introduces the control
techniques of a magnetic ball levitation system depends
on linear feedback which is a PID controller. Then the
PID controller is more improved by an Adaptive PID
with MRAC controller and was obtained a good
performance characteristic. Increasing the performance
of an Adaptive PID with MRAC Controller was possible
with Genetic Algorithms optimization techniques by
minimizing the objective function and the error. Lastly,
for position control and stabilization of the magnetic ball
levitation system an optimal LQR was developed and the
weighting matrix Q and R based on the analytical
approach was chosen as and are positive semidefinite
and positive definite matrix respectively. So, the
performance of an Adaptive PID with MRAC controller
was more improved by a LQR controller; the
performance (i.e., overshoot, Peak amplitude and
settling time) obtained by a LQR controller was better
when compared to a PID, an Adaptive PID with MRAC
Controller and an Adaptive PID controller with GA
Optimization techniques.
Keywords : Magnetic Levitation System, ProportionalIntegral-Differential Controller, Genetic Algorithms, Adaptive with MRAC Controller and Linear Quadratic Regulator Controller.