Control Atmospheric Brazing Technology for Heat Exchangers Manufacturing

Authors : Bhaskar ANAND

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 7 - July

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Control Atmospheric Brazing (CAB) for aluminum heat exchangers are widely used in auto ancillary industries. In the new era of Industry 4.0, development of auto industries are expected to grow exponentially and hence HVAC&R industries are supposed to grow simultaneously. The widen use of CAB process is the new universally accepted technology or process for mass production of the heat exchangers. This process enables the auto vehicle to reduce its weight by reducing heat exchanger weight, enhance the performance in compact design of HVAC, and accelerate the production rate to meet the market demand. Suitable different aluminum alloy grades are introduced for CAB Brazing technology and sheet metallurgy and other applications have been derived. Aluminium alloy was selected as it is lightweight and can be manufactured and brazed easily. Aluminium Potassium fluoride flux recent development has enabled the possibilities of molten aluminum filler metals during brazing. There are several processes identified and developed over the time for fluxing on pre assembled non brazed heat exchangers.Application of flux is opening the wide range of possibilities to thermochemical reactions in the CAB process. In this project & literature survey I am studying this process in detail which includes real industrial application, information, process design, Basic details of the product design of heat exchangers suitable to CAB brazing. My main focus to study this will consist of the thermal engineering application in product and its process as well. I would like to expose myself to identify the new possibilities in CAB technology.


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