Development of a GSM-Based Smoke Detector and Temperature Monitoring System for Preventing Fire Outbreak

Authors : Giwa A.B; Familusi T.O; Adeniyi O

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 4 - April

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Fire outbreak is one of the most deadly disasters affecting lives and properties all over the world. It has rendered many people homeless with others completely deformed. Therefore efforts must be geared towards curtailing the disaster. This research depicts the design of a smoke detector and temperature monitoring with microcontroller-based system by utilizing the GSM Module. The utmost aim of this research is for safety where it major importance lies in avoiding the fire accidents or explosion occurrence in households and its environment. It operates using Arduino Uno Microcontroller board in conjunction with ATmega328 chip. The core controller chip utilize is the ATmega328 which controls the household temperature notification subjected to the temperature sensor. A thermistor-based temperature sensor is used in sensing the heat from the fire. A notification message will be delivered to the specified personnel using short message service (SMS) via GSM module. When the system senses the pre-set temperature value or more, it instantly displayed a warning notification on LCD display and simultaneously sends an SMS alert to the users. This research will help users to expand their safety standards by having speedy response so as to prevent fire accidents. This will eventually allow the users to protect their lives as well as properties from the disaster.

Keywords : Internet of Things, Electromagnetic Radiation, Smoke, Temperature Monitoring


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