Effectiveness of 3D Printing In Construction Industry over the Old Conventional Method Regarding Time and Cost: A Review

Authors : Abhishek Pandit; Aditi Kumari

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 6 - June

Google Scholar : http://bitly.ws/9nMw

Scribd : https://bit.ly/36aFVzw

Technologies have a noticeable impact on our evolving business system, It has changed the way, we people do business. Now, here comes the word 3D printers, wherein the last 3 decades, we have noticed its remarkable growth in the additive manufacturing industry. 3D printing technologies allow us to design optimization and have serious advantages over convention manufacturing methods. All Industries must adapt themselves to this new system so that they could survive in the rapidly changing ruthless habitat. There is huge pressure, emerging in the Construction Industry to adapt to the new technological developments. Hence, 3D printing technology has gained a lot of attention in the Construction Industry as a new technological change that needs to be implemented in the industry, for its survival. The main objective of this paper is to review the factors affecting the 3D printers to evolve in the construction industry, Comparing cost between the traditional method and 3D-Printing technology of a single storey house, Time comparison between the traditional method and 3D Build printing technology of a single-storey house. This paper summarizes a comparison between old and new construction method with a focus on the adaptation of 3D printing technologies and giving a cost and time comparison and how effective the 3D could be if applied to the construction Industry. The paper proceeds in recognizing how much 3D printing is effective as compared to the conventional method and predicting the possible transformation areas in the construction industry.

Keywords : 3D Build Printing Technology, Cost comparison, Time Comparison, Advantages and Disadvantages


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