This research was conducted to evaluate the
effectiveness of Work Placement Program (WPP) in
Polytechnic of LP3I Jakarta (PLJ). This research uses
the CIPP (Context, Input, Process, Product) evaluation
model to evaluate the Work Placement Program in PLJ.
Four model were applied to evaluate the WPP: 1) The
Context evaluation of the legal foundation, vision and
mission of PLJ, Strategic Plan and Work placement
program objectives, 2) The Input evaluation of
organizational structure, work placement procedures,
student recruitment, lecturers' readiness, curriculum,
adequate facilities, infrastructure, company mapping,
3) The process evaluation of Student selection process,
curriculum conformity, supply process, implementation
of work placement in company, and report, 4) The
Product evaluation of the implementation of student
competence, student absorption that works, work ethic,
corporate satisfaction, benefits of work placement
program in the company. Informants of this study are
students, employees of the work placement section, vice
directors of PLJ, lecturers and companies. The research
result found that The context evaluation is based on The
LP3I Jakarta Master Plan of PLJ with very good
criteria, The input evaluation assessed in Good Criteria,
The Process Evaluation assessed in good and
satisfactory criteria, The Product evaluation assesses in
good and satisfactory criteria.
Keywords : Work placement program, CIPP evaluation model (Context-Input-Procces-Product).