Tool life and Surface finish of the part are the
key considerations during machining. This research aims
to precisely calculate the temperature rise and
temperature variation trend during drilling of pure
aluminum blocks to a specific depth under varying
cutting conditions. The thermal rise due to friction
occurs at the multiple cutting edges during shear
interaction between cutting tool and work piece were
investigated using non-contact infrared temperature
sensor. A 10mm End Mill cutter of High-speed steel
coated with titanium is used for drilling in Aluminum
blocks using conventional universal milling machine. A
series of experiments were conducted for different nine
combinations under varying tool speeds(43, 77, 141 rpm)
and feed rates (0.53, 0.97 and 1.94 mm/min) during dry
drilling to a drill depth of 10mm. Each combination is
tested for two samples for statistical analysis and results
Keywords : Temperature variations, Drilling, Endmill Cutter, Infrared Temperature Sensor, Pure Aluminum.