The project aims at an experimental
investigation of composite beam to predict the structural
performance. The composite beam consists of two steel
plates placed at top and bottom to be filled with concrete.
The steel plates are interconnected using headed stud and
J hook shear connectors with 100mm and 120mm spacing
to improve composite beam action between the plates and
concrete. The concrete core consists of superabsorbent
polymer as internal curing represents standard weight
concrete. The strength of the self-curing concrete grade of
M25.Mix proportion in accordance with IS10262:2000.
Super absorbent polymer can be used in 0.3% and 0.4%
weight of cement. In SCS, normal curing is not applicable
because of corrosion of steel plate and shear connectors
which occurs due to the interaction of water. Since it is a
prime factor, to develop a self-curing concrete using super
absorbent polymer as self-curing agents. The strength of
concrete containing of self-curing agent was tested and
compare with conventionally cured concrete.
A mild steel plate of 4mm thickness in both the faces
of the composite beam. The composite beam size to be
tested in this project is 450x150x150mm of 8nos of varying
spacing of shear connectors. The composite beam is
loaded and tested under the two-point bending systems.
Keywords : Composite Beam, Sandwich, Self-Curing Concrete, Shear Connectors.