Factors Influencing the Optimal Location and Orientation of Dampers in an R.C.C. Building

Authors : Ashish Kumar; Raunak Joshi; Abhishek Arge; Aniket D.Patil

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 7 - July

Google Scholar : http://bitly.ws/9nMw

Scribd : https://bit.ly/3xzjsYc

Seismic Dampers have been used for years as means to protect structures from adverse effects of earthquakes. However, dampers cannot be placed in buildings in a random fashion. The efficacy of dampers depends on their location and orientation. The objective of this experiment is to determine how any alteration in the aforementioned factors affects the efficacy of these dampers. In this project, 2D models were formulated and simulations were run to determine the factors affecting the optimal location and position of dampers. The simulations were run on the ETABS software. The Response Spectrum Analysis method was incorporated using the IS 1893-2016. The results of this experimentation will help placing the dampers in a building in an economic way. Dampers were found to be most effective when placed in the lower storeys of a building. Also, placing dampers closer to the centroidal axis increases their efficacy. When placing dampers side to side, it is recommended to place them in opposite orientations. Orientation inversion is also recommended in consecutive storeys. However, when it comes to giving priority to lower storey or closeness to centroidal axis, the latter was found to be the governing factor. Above results will help placing dampers in the most efficient way, when the number of dampers isrestricted.

Keywords : Dampers, Location, Orientation, ETABS, Response Spectrum


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