Authors : Ashish Mishra; Sarvgya Yadav; Shweta Singh; Vineet Pandey; Vishal Dwivedi; Deepti Ojha
Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 6 - June
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DOI : 10.38124/IJISRT20JUN275
The objective of our project is to design,
develop and monitor “Automatic Water Container
Filler using Arduino”. This work provides with a lot of
benefits like low power feeding, low functioning cost,
less care, accuracy and many more. This project is
based on automation and is a vast application IOT
concept. A prototype has been developed to illustrate
the project. Feeding the container in hand to hand is the
main task that is carried out by a machine and this
process is commonly used by many Robot.
Keywords : IOT, Automation, Sensors, Arduino, 555 Timer