The purpose of this study /survey was to determine
the knowledge about gummy smile and its treatment
options among dental students.
A harmonic smile should show the whole extension
of incisors, canines and pre molars and has a slight touch
of those teeth on the lower and upper lip curvature.
Excessive gingival display may make the smile
displeasing or even repulsive. Nowadays, gummy smile
correction is becoming a prime treatment objective in
response to patient demand. The gummy smile is
diagnosed when there is 3 mm or more gingival tissue in
smile. The etiologies that plays role in the gummy smile
are often multifactorial, like extrusion of the upperanterior teeth, upper alveolar protrusion, short clinical
crown, short lip, altered passive eruption and vertical
maxillary excess. Treatment options are surgical,
orthodontics, Botox lasers and various other options are
A link of a questionnaire comprising 25 questions
were sent among 110 students. Students who
participated in survey were asked about a gummy smile,
causes of gummy smile, normal lip length ,forms of
periodontium, botox its mechanism ,methods of injecting
Botox ,side effects about surgical treatment and
orthodontic treatment. Data was collected through
google forms.
The study results suggests a synergistic
relationship between various treatment modalities of
gummy smile. The decision of the treatment method lies
purely in the hands of a clinician. Patients expectation,
expenditure, and esthetic sense also play a vital role. This
survey presents that the participants have good
knowledge about the factors associated with gummy
smile .84.5% of people were aware that short clinical
crowns may be a cause of gummy smile in patients whose
gingiva is absolutely normal. 71.8% of people also
correctly answered that high smile line was seen in
gummy smile patients. Improvisation is needed in the
field of BOTOX for treating gummy smile as it can be
the most promising method in the near future.
In a nutshell we arrived to the point that dental
students who are majorly undergraduates have fair
knowledge about gummy smile, and it’s etiology, but
they lacked knowledge on diagnosing factors such as
length of upper lip, it’s length as age advances, basic
forms of periodontium that needs to be assessed for
gummy smile.
Keywords : Gummy smile, Esthetics, Botox, Lip length