It is known that a Uniformly Rotund norm
implies a Locally Uniformly Rotund norm. The question
whether if a Fre’chet space F has a Rotund norm
implies it has an equivalently Locally Uniformly Rotund
norm is still open and represents one of the most
interesting and studied problems. In this paper, we
investigate if there exists a direct relationship between a
Rotund norm and a Locally Uniformly Rotund norm in
Fre’chet space. It is shown that if a norm is Locally
Uniformly Rotund in a Fre’chet space then it implies
that it is Rotund too in a Fre’chet space. It is also shown
that if a Fre’chet space is non-reflexive such that its
dual is separable then the norm defined on it is an
equivalent norm which is Rotund hence Locally
Uniformly Rotund. It is further shown that any
separable Fre’chet space that admits an equivalent
Locally Uniformly Rotund norm must admit a Rotund
Keywords : A Norm; Rotund Norm; Locally Uniformly Rotund Norm; Fre’chet Space; Non-Reflexive Fre’chet Space.