Redesigned and Automated Operation of Gang Operated Air Break (GOAB) Switch

Authors : Mahesh Kunnurkar; Shubham Ashtekar

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 10 - October

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The necessity in the operation of Gang Operated Air Break (GOAB) switch is raised now, more precisely in terms of its Operation, Modification, Redesigning and making it Automatic. Since many of the linemen’s and operators facing problems and finding it very difficult to travel a long distance to operate the GOAB switch. And these switches are operated using a handle and it is done manually on a ground level. These switches are situated on the Step-down Distribution Transformer provided to the consumer localities run for 11KV lines. This Distribution transformers will be located at a far distance from the Operating Stations so when there will any fault in the line at some location and that line need to be isolated for some time till it gets corrected or in case of periodic maintenance of the line or equipments that is in case of both Pre- maintenance and Post-maintenance the particular 11KV line is need to be isolated from the main system till it gets corrected. This isolation of the particular line is done with the help of GOAB switch by the linemen or the operator by going to the respective location which may be located at far away from the main station and operating it manually and then informing the helpers or the operators to carry out the maintenance this process takes lots of time. And some of the GOAB switches are now still operating in the horizontal fashion that is opening and closing of the handle in horizontal direction which takes opposing earth’s gravitational force in some extent this disadvantage also gets eliminated since we have modified this mechanism and made it in vertical direction with the help of High Power Capacity Electric Actuator which can be operated automatically from any remote location with the help of Raspberry-Pi Processor. So we have redesigned, modified the operation of GOAB and made it automatic so that the operation can be performed from operating station by the operator or from any remote place by the linemen so that the maintenance is carried out fast and it will reduces the workload on the operators and the linemen

Keywords : Gang Operated Air Break (GOAB) Switch, Distribution Transformer, 11KV Lines, Operating Stations, Maintenance, High Power Capacity Electric Actuator, Raspberry-Pi Processor.


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