The Effect of Varying Magnetic Number, Reynolds Number and Pressure Gradient on Velocity Profiles in an MHD Flow

Authors : LIHAVI ANNET; Dr. Virginia Kitetu; Dr. Mary wainaina

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 7 - July

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DOI : 10.38124/IJISRT20JUL395

Magnetohydrodynamic ow of a hot viscous electrically conducting incompressible uid through parallel plates is studied. In the study, the e ect of Hartmann number (M), pressure gradient and Reynolds number (Re) on the velocity eld is investigated. The Navier-stokes equations were coupled with Ohms law and then solved using nite di erence method (FDM). The velocity eld was computed for various values of the physical parameters and shown graphically. It was found that as the Hartmann number M increases, the velocity pro les decreased due to increased Lorents force while an increase in Reynolds number causes an increase in the velocity of the uid. All these analysis was done using MATLAB program and the results were presented in tables and graphs.

Keywords : Magneto hydrodynamic uid ow, Hartmann number, Reynolds number, pressure gradient, skin friction.


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