The Effectiveness of the Nationality Visitation of Leadership Training II to Bung Karno Grave and Library in Blitar City

Authors : Much. Taufik.

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 3 - March

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Level II Leadership Education and Training after participating in the process of learning Integrity and Nationalism is expected to be able to answer the doubts of many parties regarding the integrity of regional public officials. Lowland effectiveness of activities Visitasi Nationality to the Tomb and Library of Bung Karno in Blitar City, both for strengthening the spirit of Indonesianness which culminates in strengthening the integrity of the participants as well as for the overall learning process in Level II Education and Leadership organized by the Training Agency of East Java Province. The results showed that a series of activities Visitation ethnicity to the Tomb and Library of Bung Karno in Blitar not just activities visit to the Tomb and Library of Bung Karno in Blitar City alone, but rather in its containing many philosophical values of the actualization of integrity and Nationalism Insights who is able to grow flowers right back Indonesia spirit that led to the motivation of participants to promote integrity in the practice of execution of the task after returning to the area and their respective institution.

Keywords : National Visitation, Indonesianness Values, Integrity, and Nationality Insights.


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