The Quantum World and the Realm of Fractional Calculus Fractional order Quantum Particle Search Optimization

Authors : Ansh Sarkar; Anubhab Swain

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 8 - August

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Quantum mechanics emerged as a result of the scientific enquiry into the wave nature of light during the mid-17th century under the contribution of eminent scientists including Christian Huygens, Robert Hooke and James Maxwell. This was followed by the Young’s Double Slit experiment [1] and coining of the term Quanta (small energy packets) by Max Planck in the Planck’s hypothesis for emission and absorption of radiation or energy. Several other contributions ranging from Wien’s law and Maxwell’s equations of Electromagnetic radiation to Schrödinger’s [3] and KleinGordon’s equations [4] have resulted in the continuous development of this seemingly reality defying field of modern science.

Keywords : Fractional Calculus [5] , Particle Swarm [27] Optimization [6] , Quantum Computing [12], Optimization tools and Techniques , Review


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