Shopping malls have influenced more places in
our economic and social life and have also taken the place
of traditional markets. Shopping malls are now
performing dual purposes, a place to shop and recreation.
Shoppers spend a substantial time in shopping malls
because they host a lot of stores and activities that attract
consumers’ attention and offer a lot of assistances. In the
past, the shopping activity took place in open public
spaces with other urban and public functions and
happenings of the city, like ancient Greek Agora or
Roman Forum. After centuries, the enclosed shopping
mall separated urbanity and shopping activity from each
other. These fully-enclosed and environmentally
controlled consumption spaces redefined the urban fabric
to put on a city image in an enclosed space. A street-like in
an enclosed space was created for daily purchase of
peoples need for example Mall of America. Today, urban
fabric and shopping mall incorporation is becoming more
important. The gap in the study is to show the negligence
of Nigerian researchers to write on relationship of open
space and sustainable design for shopping malls that is the
rising trends in the world. So, the existing shopping malls
are opening, take part with urban fabric and continually
updating themselves to compete with the emerging
shopping places. This recent regeneration trend is called
‘De-malling’ in the world. Every shopping mall has
different reasons for the architectural features
incorporated, which can be functional, managerial or
structural, so, description of architectural features in
shopping mall would be necessary for each shopping mall.
This study examined ‘main principles and criteria for
shopping mall concepts’ in order to put forward the
specific functions and locations for different units that is
incorporated in Oluwole urban shopping mall. The
research method in this study is personal observation,
archival research combination supported by constructive
interpretative paradigm.
Keywords : Shopping, Shopping Mall, Urbanity, Urban Public Space, Features.